Gebruiksaanwijzing AEG-ELECTROLUX ENN2911AOW

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Handleiding samenvatting: gebruikershandleiding AEG-ELECTROLUX ENN2911AOW

Uitgebreide gebruiksaanwijzingen staan in de gebruikershandleiding.

[. . . ] ENN2911AOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NL KOEL-VRIESCOMBINATIE EN FRIDGE FREEZER DE KÜHL - GEFRIERSCHRANK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING 2 USER MANUAL 24 BENUTZERINFORMATION 44 2 www. electrolux. com INHOUD 1. 23 WE DENKEN AAN U Bedankt om een Electrolux-apparaat te kopen. [. . . ] This operation will improve the performance of the appliance and save electricity consumption. Take care of not to damage the cooling system. Many proprietary kitchen surface cleaners contain chemicals that can attack/damage the plastics used in this appliance. For this reason it is recommended that the outer casing of this appliance is only cleaned with warm water with a little washing-up liquid added. After cleaning, reconnect the equipment to the mains supply. 5. 1 Periodic cleaning The equipment has to be cleaned regularly: • clean the inside and accessories with lukewarm water and some neutral soap. • regularly check the door seals and wipe clean to ensure they are clean and free from debris. • rinse and dry thoroughly. 32 www. electrolux. com 5. 2 Defrosting the refrigerator Frost is automatically eliminated from the evaporator of the refrigerator compartment every time the motor compressor stops, during normal use. The defrost water drains out through a drain hole into a special container at the back of the appliance, over the motor compressor, where it evaporates. It is important to periodically clean the defrost water drain hole in the middle of the refrigerator compartment channel to prevent the water overflowing and dripping onto the food inside. 5. 3 Defrosting the freezer A certain amount of frost will always form on the freezer shelves and around the top compartment. Defrost the freezer when the frost layer reaches a thickness of about 3-5 mm. About 12 hours prior to defrosting, set the Temperature regulator toward higher settings, in order to build up sufficient chill reserve for the interruption in operation. ENGLISH 33 To remove the frost, follow the instructions below: 1. Remove any stored food, wrap it in several layers of newspaper and put it in a cool place. Do not touch frozen goods with wet hands. Leave the door open and insert the plastic scraper in the appropriate seating at the bottom centre, placing a basin underneath to collect the defrost water. In order to speed up the defrosting process, place a pot of warm water in the freezer compartment. In addition, remove pieces of ice that break away before defrosting is complete. When defrosting is completed, dry the interior thoroughly and keep the scraper for future use. After two or three hours, reload the previously removed food into the compartment. 3. 4. 5. 6. Never use sharp metal tools to scrape off frost from the evaporator as you could damage it. Do not use a mechanical device or any artificial means to speed up the thawing process other than those recommended by the manufacturer. A temperature rise of the frozen food packs, during defrosting, may shorten their safe storage life. 5. 4 Periods of non-operation When the appliance is not in use for long periods, take the following precautions: • disconnect the appliance from electricity supply • remove all food • defrost (if foreseen) and clean the appliance and all accessories • leave the door/doors ajar to prevent unpleasant smells. If the cabinet will be kept on, ask somebody to check it once in a while to prevent the food inside from spoiling in case of a power failure. 34 www. electrolux. com 6. Before troubleshooting, disconnect the mains plug from the mains socket. [. . . ] Stecken Sie die untere Scharnierabdeckung auf. Befestigen Sie das Gerät mit 4 Schrauben in der Einbaunische. I I DEUTSCH 61 Entfernen Sie das entsprechende Teil aus der Scharnierabdeckung (E). Achten Sie darauf, im Falle eines rechten Scharniers Teil DX bzw. bei einem gegenüberliegenden Scharnier Teil SX zu entfernen. C D E Setzen Sie die beiliegenden Abdeckkappen (C, D) in die Befestigungs- und Scharnierlöcher ein. Bauen Sie das Belüftungsgitter (B) ein. [. . . ]


JeHandleiding biedt een gemeenschapsdienst van aandeel, archivering on line en van opzoeking van documentatie betreffende het gebruik van materialen of software : handleiding, gebruiksaanwijzing, installatiegids, technisch handboek…
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